The Message

The Behold the Lamb Passion Play is the story of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.

In order to fully appreciate the story line of this moving presentation, it is important to understand that the analogy of Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God is one that has its roots in the historic sacrificial system of the Jewish people.

Because of man’s sin, God declared that a blood sacrifice would have to be made in order that there might be forgiveness. Thus, it was, on the altar of the temple, there was always ascending the smoke of a carefully-selected sacrificial lamb.

It is that scarlet thread that is woven throughout the Bible until we come to Calvary’s altar where we see the perfect Lamb of God sacrificed for the sins of the world.Because of His sacrifice, never again would it be necessary for a lamb to be slain for the sins of mankind.

When Christ sacrificed Himself as the Lamb of God, it was not an ordinary man who died. It was God Himself.

Therefore, because of the worth of the One who made it, His sacrifice has infinite merit for all who will believe. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the universal remedy for the universal problem of sin.


The Experience

The production stays basically the same each year with minor changes. However, it is significantly different from the first two or three years.

The production is two hours long.  Scenes include both Old Testament and New Testament stories.  Some of the characters are Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Rahab, King David, Bathsheba, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah, Nicodemus, the Disciples, Joseph of Arimathea, Simon of Cyrene with his sons Rufus and Alexander, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Joses, Salome, Caiaphas, soldiers, angels, Pilate, Herod, Wisemen and Jesus as a baby/toddler/boy/man.

You will see the prophets of old proclaim the coming of the Messiah, Jesus perform miracles, the brokenness of Peter after he denied Jesus, the crucifixion/burial/resurrection of Jesus and a majestic finale where Jesus is proclaimed “King of kings and Lord of lords!” 

The production takes the audience back in time to Jerusalem during Passover Week where they experience the celebration that took place as thousands made their way to the golden city.  An interactive marketplace scene draws the entire audience into the celebration. 

A ticket is required for admission but the tickets have always been free.  The tickets simply keep the crowds balanced from night to night.

The Production

In order to keep rehearsals to a minimum, Director Lisa Jennings pre-blocks the entire Passion Play production and writes a blocking book for the stage participants. The blocking book reduces the rehearsal time by over 75% of what it would be for a traditional theatrical production which keeps the production rehearsals from taking a lot of family time or interfering with other weekly ministries.

A sewing day is scheduled every year where as many as ninety costumes have been made, not including the specialty costumes that are being made all year long.  All the specialty costumes, banners, and set have been custom designed by the individuals who volunteer to be a part of BTLM, inc.

Behold the Lamb is a family-oriented ministry where the entire family can serve together…mom, dad, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.  Family members who worship at different churches can come together to serve in proclaiming the Gospel!

Interested in participating in the production?



For the Glory of God Alone

Attending BEHOLD THE LAMB has become a tradition for some families, as it serves as a reminder of the great sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  It is a time of renewal and rededication for others.  The foremost goal is to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ by accurately and passionately proclaiming the message of salvation.

For those who already know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, the goal is that the production will stir their hearts and challenge them to be more Christlike.

Over the years, thousands have indicated that they accepted Jesus as their personal Savior during one of the performances.  Others have written to say that their marriages have been restored, they’ve committed to becoming better parents, spouses, etc. 

God uses His ministries to accomplish His Kingdom results.

From the beginning and continuing today, the goals of this ministry are to Exalt Jesus Christ, Extol the Gospel, Edify the Believer, and provide Excellent Service … “Soli Deo Gloria” …for the glory of God alone!